
Sunday, July 8, 2012

{I Will Draw Close}

Lately, I have been noticing how much my soul loves quality writing. I am very much a "words" person, maybe that is why I am getting my degree in Communication. Metaphors, lyrics, journal entries, letters, poems, quotes, scripture-all of the above tap on my heart box in the most sweetest of ways.  
Below is an excerpt from a piece of beautiful writing I read on called "Those Things That Will Not Ever Leave" by Anne Jackson who is a writer from Michigan a.k.a "the mitten" (holler for the homeland!)
Jackson writes about different spiritual seasons...
"During the day, the stars never leave, and throughout the night, the sun remains. The emptiness I felt for so long was merely my soul in rotation, much like the Earth on its axis. I will experience seasons of new moons, where life is full and bright and spectacular and perhaps causes a person or two to stop and see the light that is coming from inside of me by no action of my own will. There will also be periods where the night sky is wholly black and starless, and over time, one by one, stars will reappear and bring their luster and hope.
I will draw close. That is my promise. I will draw close to the most brilliant light and not shy away from the most ominous darkness. I will draw close to the rhythms of the tides and of existence and to the bread and the wine. I will draw close to the ones who carry and breathe life and the ones who resist and cause harm. I will draw close to the things that will not ever leave me, and as I walk, I will remember that I will never be alone."
For the full effect, I encourage you to read the whole piece.  
I am thankful that my faith is based on concrete facts and not on my feelings that are always in limbo
I, too, will draw close.  

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